Info on your Traditional Native Irish Wildflower Seeds


September 2024

Bring native Irish wildflowers to your garden and help support Ireland’s endangered pollinators

Irish wildflowers

As part of our continuing support as partners with Host in Ireland and the DCs for Bees Pollinator Plan, we invite you to use these seeds to grow some native Irish wildflowers. 

The seed mix includes the following mix which is easy to grow and suitable for most soil types (except for very dry soils). 

Species List: Birdsfoot Trefoil, Bush Vetch. Corn Marigold, Corn Poppy, Corncockle, Cowslip, Meadow Buttercup, Field Scabious, Kidney Vetch, Lady’s Bedstraw, Lesser Knapweed, Marjoram, Eyebright, Mullein, Ox-eye Daisy, Hawksbit, Red Bartsia, Red Campion, Red Clover, St Johnswort, Wild Carrot, Yarrow,  Yellow Rattle, Species in small quantities: White Campion, Feverfew, Cornflower, Scentless Mayweed,  Birdsfoot Trefoil,  Purple Loosestrife, White Bedstraw, Ragged Robin, Selfheal, Yellow Agrimony.

You can find more detailed information on How to Sow and When on this link

With 40% Annual flowers there will be colour from the first year, and the biennials and perennials will come through in years to come. 

The wildflowers included in this mixture support the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan and are recommended by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) as ‘Perfect for Pollinators’.

Image credit: Connecting to Nature


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Mitchell McDermott