Mitchell McDermott Collaborate With Host In Ireland on the DC’s For Bees’ Initiative



The Mitchell McDermott team braved the elements last Friday 25th October with Host In Ireland and fellow partners to take part in this fantastic initiative. Ground was cleared and trees were planted to help secure the future of a vital part of our ecosystem – Bees!

Some interesting facts:

  • Bee pollination contributes to 70% of the world’s food source
  • We are set to lose almost 90% of our bumblebees in Ireland by 2050 at the current rate of decline

The HII (Host In Ireland) initiative will be a two-phased approach to not only provide the opportunity for individuals to make a difference but tools for organisations to educate, advocate, create awareness and take action.

Phase one of the initiative launched last Friday. The Mitchell McDermott team sponsored 2,000Nr trees as part of the initiative.

Working alongside the Ireland Native Woodland Trust, our team helped with clearing, planting and securing native woodland trees – birch, oak & rowan – to help create a biodiverse forest for the bees that will expand both their living and food resources.

The second phase will launch in early 2020 with an action-oriented toolkit designed specifically for the data centre industry in collaboration with HII. This programme will act as a blueprint to take long-term action and provide guidance on how to make a bigger impact within ours and others organisations.

Mitchell McDermott is delighted to be taking part in this initiative.

Jim Lawlor from the Native Woodland Trust, commented to HII, “This is the first time that we had a call from an industry willing to work together on such a project. It’s fantastic to be able to take this opportunity to promote native woodland habitat for our wildlife – particularly birds and insects.”

As HII say “We know as a collective we are able to make a greater difference in fighting one of the greatest threats not only to bees, but to the entire planet. Co-opetition is at the heart of Host in Ireland and this cause is no different. When we are all focused on the same goals as a community with a purpose, we can have a much bigger impact. We have a unique opportunity to amplify the work being done by Native Woodland Trust and the National Biodiversity Data Centre.”

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Mitchell Mcdermott