Material Price Movements to June 2024


July 2024

Material price changes Q3 2022
Inflation Update

Construction material prices have been relatively stable in Q2 2024.

The major commodities have seen mixed movement in the second quarter, with Aluminium and Copper each increasing over 10%, and Scrap Metal down by 34% in the same period. This movement sees Scrap Metal back to June 2023 price levels.

Shipping costs have continued an upward trend over the past 12 months, with an exceptional increase of 223% since June 2023. For reference, the current freight rate of US$4,200 for a 40ft container was last seen in September 2022.

Looking ahead to second half of 2024, the 3.5% SEO (Special Exemption Order) increase will come into effect in August 2024. The exemption on the €10 per tonne levy on construction and demolition (C&D) waste material will potentially end later this year, and is another factor to consider.

Interested in looking back at Q1 2024 price movement trends? Check out our Q1 2024 update and analysis.

If you’d like to have a chat on any further information covered please don’t hesitate to contact us.

You can view our previous newsletter narratives on Material Price Increases on our Insight Archive page.

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Mitchell McDermott